Mentoring is an unconditional acceptance of a student while guiding them on the path of growth & development. SARTHAK aims to support many such deserving, bright students from financially weaker sections of the society and would sponsor and empower them to become mature, talented, educated & independent adults in this 5-year journey. SARTHAK has adopted many such deserving students for mentoring. Your contribution and involvement for the cause would help them achieve their dreams and become their partners in the walk of life!
A mentor encourages positive choices, promotes high self-esteem, supports academic achievement, and introduces the young mentee to new ideas. We have a well-designed mentoring and financial support process in place at Sarthak. We invite you to be a part of it. Apply to Become Mentor Selection Process - Mentor
  • Registration of Mentors
  • Interview / discussion
  • Mentor Orientation and sharing of responsibility
  • Common meeting with mentor & mentee
  • Unconditional and non judgemental acceptance and understanding
  • Not giving up on the student despite repeatd failures
  • building a relationship with the mentee by meeting and interacting in a regular periodical intervals
  • To update the mentee's progress on the mentees's personal development chart
  • To assess the need of the student in terms of - aptitude testing counselling, extra coaching, required skills, study material, or anything else required for his / her education purpose

Mentoring Journey

Mentoring is basically hand holding, unconditional love and total acceptance of your mentee . It is the process of gradual evolution. However this evolution process takes 3-4 years, when you are actually able to see rather than to witness the evolution of mentee.
It is not that they will open up in the first meeting. But you built the bond with them, they will always wait for our phone call. Kids share their problems, their inhibitions, with their mentors. Their journey is tough but we definitely help them to sail through. Single parents, addicted fathers, weak economic background, these are all hindrances but their spirits are high. They want to pursue their dreams. What they need is - "We are with you-thing".
The Thoughtfully designed process of mentoring by Sarthak Maitra not only helps the mentees to achieve success in their academic path but also develops a process of thinking about the future. Mentoring gives immense pleasure and a feeling that you have something for the society to return .This process gives everlasting memories - when our mentees are getting successful and coming out of shells. Apply to Become Mentor