"Participate, Motivate, Empower”

Become a Mentor
"Mentoring is an unconditional acceptance of a student while guiding them on the path of growth & development!"
We have a well-designed mentoring program which includes training for new registered Mentors. In these training sessions we took sessions to understand the mentoring process. After these training mentees are assigned to Mentors who encourage positive choices, promote high self-esteem, support academic achievement and introduce the young mentee to new ideas. SARTHAK has adopted many such deserving students for mentoring. Your contribution and involvement for the cause would help them achieve their dreams and become their partners in the walk of life!
Apply to Become Mentor

Refer A Child
We see so many needy children around us who are smart, deserving but can't afford education. These children could be your maid, driver, vegetable vendor etc. We can enrol these children in our Sarthak Maitra project. We give financial support to these children to complete their education.